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トップページ > ツナガルマチ > Aiya Waterfall (鮎屋の滝)

Aiya Waterfall (鮎屋の滝)

About Aiya Waterfall

There is this waterfall approximately 600 meters downstream from Aiya Dam. This has a drop of 14.5 meters.

You can go close to the waterfall running down can be seen from at close.

The surrounding is enveloped by the violent sound of falling water, there are sign of chilly and holy.

Fireflies flit about in summer; red leaves look beautiful by this waterfall in autumn. We can fully enjoy the beautiful nature of each season.





Information for use(matters to be attended to)

After heavy rain and discharging from the dam, please be careful of going because volume of water in the waterfall increase.

There are cases where the footing is bad by rain. So, please be careful.

The road(approximately 300 meters) where you go to Aiya Waterfall parking is narrow. Large buses aren’t able to enter.



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